Vaisakh Anand

Vaisakh Anand

Sr. Software Development Engineer | OTT Applications | RDK

Hi there! I'm an experienced Embedded Systems Developer with expertise in C, C++, and Python. Nice to meet you!

Location Phone Email
Philadephia, PA +1 (929) 300 9992
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Personal Projects

3D Photogrammetry using Drones

Development of Hexacopter and python based tool-chain elements for capturing and pre-processing of data required 3D photogrammetry.

Ardupilot STM32 Python OpenCv C++ ShellScripts FOSS ODM

FLip Mouse

The FLipMouse is an open source Assistive Technology module which allows people who cannot use standard computer input devices to control a computer mouse cursor or a joystick as well as typing desired keyboard keys or using infraredremote controls.

Arduino C/C++ Atmega32U4 HID KiCad Python FOSS

NodeMCU Based GoPro Trigger

NodeMCU based wifi shutter trigger and configuration selector for GoPro camera, to enable camera control for Flight Controller

C++ NodeMCU Arduino KiCad FOSS

Tab Auto Complete

It is a python module which will help the user to import the Press tab to auto complete feature into their python scripts. This modules is available in the pip library

Python3 PyPi_library FOSS

TSlide Mouse

TSlide mouse is a open source USB input device (HID) for Persons with Disabilities (PwD). This repository contains the firmware and configuration files for TSlide Mouse.

Arduino Python3 KiCad FOSS

Terminal Reminder

It is a python library that will bring in the reminder support for a terminal session on start of the session.

Python3 ShellScripts FOSS

Viki - Personal Assistant

Viki is a personal assistant that can be deployed in your home, which will take care of different tasks. Currently in her development stage, different functionalities are added to her capability sets each month.

Python3 ZeroMQ Multi-threaded gstreamer OpenCV FOSS

UAV Based LiDar Mapping

The project aims at designing a Quad-Copter that can fly into a environment and prepare a 2D scaled map as wellas a 3D map of the of its surrounding. The 2D map is blue print of the surrounding which is scanned and plotted by a distance measuring sensor which uses pulsed lase light. The 3D output is made possible with the help of photogrammetry process of the images captured by the camera.

C++ Python3 OpenCV ROS RaspberryPi3 SLAM ShellScripts FOSS